
We are always needing help with exhibits, events, database entry, programs, collections cataloging, building maintenance, even yard work!  We can find something to fit your interests and abilities, so don't be afraid to ask what you can do to be part of your history museum's future!

Examples of current projects we are needing help with:

1. Landscape clean up, planning, and improvement.  

2. Repair of some of our metal whimsy sculptures.

3. Cataloging of specimens and database entry. 

4. Planning and research for future exhibits and events. 

5. Painting of the handrails around the museum entrances.

6. Painting of the Farm Equipment Pavilion and repair of the gate.

7. Steam cleaning of the Museum's lobby area carpeting. 

8. Painting the yard light poles. 

9. Painting the flag pole. 

10. Cleaning and chinking of the Anderson Cabin.

11. Repair and painting of some sections of the Museum's ceiling and wall areas in the gallery.

13. Cleaning and oiling of antique horse tack (mostly harnesses).

14. General dusting and vacuuming. 

15. Cleaning and care of artifacts at the Fort Hall Replica. 

16. Marmot proofing and dung clean up.